Posted on: 10. 18. 19
The oil and gas industry is one that presents a lucrative future for many people seeking careers in the field. There are several coveted jobs at production facilities and drill sites across the nation, but here are some of the most popular career paths that have been inviting in newcomers to the industry.
Energy Engineers
Oil extraction at onshore and offshore drilling sites is the biggest aspect of our industry. Energy engineers are the employees that make the magic happen. This employee can generally be found directly on-site, or in a laboratory, depending on the material they are producing.
Over the years, this career path has actually become quite diverse. These engineers are also responsible for producing energy through renewable resources like solar and wind.
The sources of our industry’s production materials aren’t simply found on a whim. Facilities will employ geoscientists and use their expertise to discover oil and gas reserves that are commercially profitable.
The duties of this position are primarily data interpretation and the development of strategies for actually locating the natural resources that a facility will mine.
Drill sites aren’t a one-dimensional job opportunity. While the engineers are doing the actual drilling, someone needs to be responsible for monitoring the drilling activity and considering the operational status of the actual well itself.
Mudloggers would help operate equipment like a fuel gas conditioner to ensure that the fuel running through the site’s system isn’t too rich. This could create potential downtime at the site and put a real dent in a project’s budget.
If you plan on taking on a position as a mudlogger, be prepared to work long shifts. This is a demanding responsibility that has position occupants consistently working 12-hour shifts.
Engineering Geologist
There are several risks involved when dealing with an extraction site. Many of them don’t even involve the heavy-duty equipment used for production. Engineering geologists are hired to assess the natural conditions of an oil site and inform their employers of any geological issues that could interfere with production.
Excel in Oil and Gas with Pro-Gas, LLC
If you are thinking about becoming an employee working in oil and gas, some of the mentioned career options may be the one for you! Pro-Gas, LLC is a Dallas-based provider of production facility equipment that loves to keep our readers up-to-date on the latest industry information.
If you already work in the industry, we want to help your facility succeed. Contact us today to find out more about our current product lines.