Posted on: 06. 30. 21
Between President Biden’s shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline production and the ransomware attack that halted Colonial Pipeline deliveries, it seems like major pipeline news has been making headlines left and right.
In fact, pipeline production issues have been in the news so much over the last few years that many people have lost sight of how important the production of pipelines actually is for oil and gas deliveries.
At Pro-Gas, LLC, we like to look at the big picture and let consumers understand the truth about the oil & gas industry. So, here’s our professional take on pipelines and why our environment and economy need them to thrive.
Pipelines Reduce Delivery Emissions Footprints
Oil and gas transportation without the use of a pipeline releases an unnecessary amount of greenhouse gases into the environment. Pipelines are an enclosed, underground delivery system for essential consumer resources. Overall, it takes energy output to deliver oil and gas through a pipeline than through other transportation means.
According to a study from the faculty at the University of Alberta, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by around 77 percent when delivered directly through a pipeline.
Pipeline Transportation Comes with Less Risk to the Immediate Environment
Yes, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced through pipelines, but so are the risks of massive transportation spills that could quickly ruin an affected environment. There’s a reason why 100 percent of our oil and gas is fueled through pipelines.
Trains passing through railways with oil deliveries make frequent stops, track changes, and travel through uncertain terrain at times. All of these elements could lead to a rare, but possible, spill that could permanently taint an environment. Pipelines drastically reduce these chances and make the delivery process faster, safer, and more efficient at the end of the day.
Pipelines Provide Mass Amounts of Oil and Gas at Once
Railways and other transportation methods are extremely limited with the number of resources they can deliver to fueling stations at once. Conversely, pipelines literally help keep the oil and gas industry flowing through enormous amounts of gas flowing through pipelines at once. With no stops and no lengthy refills of tanks, it’s no surprise that the efficiency of pipelines is the preferred delivery method for both our industry and the consumers our facilities serve.
Quick Construction, Minimal Footprint
The construction of pipelines is a controversial topic, but we’ll stray away from the politics of it all and provide you with a concrete fact. Pipeline construction is a faster process than completing railways to deliver oil and gas.
Aside from streamlining construction, a completed pipeline is minimally invasive, and rarely shows its infrastructure above ground. Pipelines also tend to avoid running through densely populated areas whenever possible. So, the only interaction the average person should have with a pipeline is the satisfaction received from the product that pipelines deliver.
Maximize Pipeline and Facility Efficiency Through Pro-Gas, LLC Industry Products
Pro-Gas products rest at the core of many facility and drilling site necessities. Equipment like our revolutionary Fuel Genie, gas conditioners, and portable NGL tanks all speed up the production and mining process of essential O&G resources.
When your site works smarter, pipelines are able to maximize their output to the public. Make an investment that improves your footprint in the industry today. Contact Pro-Gas, LLC to learn more about our current product availability.