Posted on: 12. 13. 17
Natural gas production is an important business that has an impact on all of our lives. From creating vehicle fuel to providing the power that our homes rely on, there is no question about how much our society actually puts to use its produced natural gasses. There are natural gas production facilities popping up all over the country and new shale gas areas opening up on a regular basis. It is no surprise that new players are eager to start careers in the natural gas production industry. However, before entering the industry, we think it is a good idea to understand the most popular equipment being used in the current natural gas production business.
JT Skids & Fuel Gas Conditioning
A successful natural gas production plant will have a fuel gas conditioning system that takes raw, high-pressure gas and turns it into lean fuel gas in order to maximize the natural gas liquids vapor recovery. This equipment is important to facilities because it maximizes NGL recoveries, provides lower BTU fuel for field operations, and decreases maintenance of the facility due to lower BTU.
It is very important to have a fuel conditioner, and getting one that is skid-mounted is a great way of remaining mobile and provides for an easier installation of your facility equipment.
Portable Natural Gas Liquid Storage
NGL storage is important for facilities because it helps reduce the cost of having to create a functional natural gas liquids storage tanks for the facility. Gas is a renewable liquid so mobile ways of storing NGLs are extremely important.
One excellent solution is portable NGL storage. This storage solution is not only a piece of cake to install, but it is skid mounted and has all of its loading accessories located on the skid. Our NGL storage skids come with all of the components that are required by safety regulations.
Natural Gas Coolers
Natural Gas coolers are a great mobile way to eliminate the negative operating effects of high gas and liquid temperatures. These pieces of equipment receive liquid streams for cooling and flow through tubes to lower the temperature. Eventually, this process eventually controls natural gas and helps achieve the desired outlet temperature.
Pro-Gas, LLC has two sizes of gas coolers available. Our products have all of the standard features that are needed for natural gas coolers to get the job done.
Pro-Gas, LLC Has the Equipment That Will Push Your Facility Ahead
If you are the owner of an operating facility that produces natural gas, then you only want the best in available equipment for your business. For the best in mobile equipment, look to Pro-Gas, LLC. We have years of experience in the oil and natural gas industry and know that we will be able to give you the equipment that you need for your success. Contact us today to find out about the availability of our equipment for rent or sale.