![Different Types of Oil and Gas Facilities](https://www.progasllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/different-oil-and-gas-facilities-min-290x290.jpg)
Posted on: 04. 29. 22
When most consumers think of oil and gas, they think of the immediate availability that our industry efforts bring to the masses.
While it can seem like oil and gas delivery is a simple process, the truth is that before essential products make their way into consumers’ homes, several oil and gas facilities put in a lot of hard work to ensure product availability.
Here’s a look at some of the most important facilities in our industry and how they push production forward for oil and gas products.
Well Sites
Crude oil and natural gas well sites are where the production process starts! At these sites, workers drill oil and produce natural gas.
Although there are usually several well sites within the same vicinity, the entire lot of the sites owned by one company is known as the facility.
Central Tank Batteries
Once mined oil is sent down the pipeline from well sites, the product makes its way to central tank battery facilities.
These sites are where crude oil is received, measured, and tested before it makes its way through the rest of the pipeline system. Here, oil and gas are stored in tanks until they are ready for transportation to another site or sent down the pipeline.
Oil Refineries & Tank Farms
As we’ve mentioned before, crude oil is only the starting material for the petroleum and gas products consumers use on a daily basis. Oil refineries break crude oil down into its separate components and treat it to become ready for consumer use.
Once refineries treat oil, the different blends of petroleum products are temporarily stored on a tank farm, another facility that can hold more than 300,000 barrels of oil at any time. Once the oil is stored on a tank farm it is planned for final distribution to consumers or other storage facilities.
Natural Gas Plants
Natural gas plants welcome the gas stream from pipelines and extract natural gas liquids via a cryogenic process. These facilities are to natural gas as oil refineries are to crude oil. They essentially take raw resources and extract, compress, and sweeten natural gas before it is passed to consumers through the pipeline.
What Do All Oil and Gas Facilities Have in Common?
While each oil and gas facility may have its own purpose in the production process, the one thing they all have in common is the need for quality equipment that keeps manufacturing reliable.
Some of the most important equipment like NGL storage tanks, gas conditioners, and gas treatment packages help bring consumers the industry products that keep their world in motion.
At Pro-Gas, LLC, we specialize in providing the best facility equipment to our clients that maximize productivity and encourage safe practices throughout any site.
Secure the Best Industry Equipment for Your Facility Today, With Pro-Gas, LLC
If you manage an oil and gas facility or drill site and are ready to add the best industry equipment to your organization, let the nation’s most trusted suppliers help! At Pro-Gas, LLC, we push the industry forward with our products and services.
Contact us today to learn more about our current availability and how we can bring our best to your facility.