Posted on: 01. 10. 22
Last winter, Texas faced an unprecedented power outage that left millions without electricity. While electricity may have been out of the question, many people were left asking themselves if they were still able to use their natural gas-powered appliances to meet some basic needs.
Although we hope that another power outage like last year won’t affect us in 2022, the team at Pro-Gas, LLC always believes that it’s best to be prepared.
Here’s a look at household appliances that will or will not work during a power outage and how you can safely use them if the electricity goes out.
Do Appliances That Require Gas Work During a Power Outage?
The answer really depends on the type of appliance that you’re working with. Keep in mind, though, that appliances that do work without electricity must be approached and used with caution.
Let’s review some of the gas appliance’s do’s and don’ts that you should always consider during a prolonged power outage.
Hot Water Heater
Even when the power is out, people still want to have a hot shower or bath to get through the day. Fortunately, if your hot water heater is a traditional, vented water heater that relies on natural gas, you’re in luck. These standard models usually have standing pilots that remain functional even without electricity.
However, if your water heater has power vents or is a tankless system, you’ll need electricity to receive hot water and, unless your tankless system generates electricity from water flow, you’re out of luck.
Gas Stoves
Gas stoves are extremely valuable appliances during a power outage. They allow you to heat up water and continue cooking throughout the situation. Keep in mind that while older gas stoves will work without electricity, if it’s powered by an electric ignition system, that aspect of the appliance will fail during an outage.
Before attempting to override your appliance, consult your appliance’s manual to ensure that it can be overridden. If an override is possible, follow the manual’s safety precautions in order to light your stove without causing a dangerous reaction.
Fire Place
Most gas fireplaces can easily be used to keep your family warm without electricity. Older model gas fireplaces are powered by a pilot that won’t go out during an electrical outage. If you know that this is the case with your appliance, then you’re in luck!
However, even if your fireplace needs electricity to ignite there are a couple of routes you can take to get your house warm again:
- Manually light your fireplace’s standing pilot via suggested safety precautions in your owner’s manual.
- Stay prepared and purchase an electric battery-powered ignitor that serves as a reliable and safe backup plan for when the power goes out.
Unfortunately, without electricity, even a gas-powered furnace will not work during an outage. Circuit boards, blower motors, and other aspects of your appliance all require electricity to get the heat flowing.
Keep Your Facility’s Natural Gas Consumer-Ready With Pro-Gas, LLC
If you are the manager of a natural gas production facility that is looking for industrial equipment that guarantees a premium product, Pro-Gas, LLC is available to help. We are one of the nation’s leading providers of natural gas conditioners, LNG storage options, and more!
Reach out to us today to learn more about our product availability!