Posted on: 02. 14. 20
Most consumers understand that the oil and gas industry provides energy and fuel to society. However, keeping consumers on the go isn’t the only way we contribute to the national economy.
Even though the market is in a constant state of flux, our industry continues to give back to the communities we serve. Here are some of the ways that the country benefits from the continuous efforts and site development from the oil and gas industry.
Oil and Gas Creates Permanent Jobs
With the constant need for employees at local production facilities and drill sites, it’s no wonder that the oil and gas industry creates so many permanent jobs for the economy. In fact, the oil and gas industry supports 5.6 percent of the nation’s total employment.
That’s around 10 million jobs a year. With people happily employed and enjoying the benefits of a free market, funds are traded and the economy sees natural boons.
We Produce Trillions of Gross Product a Year
Oil and gas reserves create so many more products beyond sole energy. The products that our industry helps to create puts trillions of dollars back into the market’s circulation every year. Some of the products that oil and gas produce include:
- Plastics
- Computers
- Healthcare Devices
- Medicines, and much more
Funds Go Towards Infrastructure
The money that comes from oil and gas products is taxed and distributed to benefit infrastructure efforts around the nation. According to the Texas Oil and Gas Association, in the 2018 fiscal year alone, the industry paid over 14 billion dollars in state and local taxes that directly funded local:
- Schools
- Universities
- Roads
- First Responders
Boosts National Security
Most consumers are unaware of the Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts that were created during World War II to benefit the nation’s security. Fuel is essential to national defense and the ability of our government to secure its people. From tanks, to jet fuel, and commercial travel, the defense districts our country has in place ensures that fuel from the market is allocated towards keeping the United States of America a safer place.
Continue to Benefit Society With Pro-Gas, LLC
If your facility or drilling site needs the right equipment to carry out its duties efficiently, Pro-Gas, LLC has the products your team needs. Our Texas-based company is dedicated to providing the best in production equipment and can have you covered from the cooling process to general storage. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our current offerings.