Posted on: 03. 30. 18
There are several uses for natural gas that benefit everyone in their daily lives. Yes, we know that with a simple flick of a switch or push of a button, we have natural gas at our fingertips for our general use. However, is gas delivery really that simple?
Even though we have access to natural gas, many people don’t really understand the process that is involved in delivery to consumers. NGL storage and delivery is a process full of systems and stations that safely transport gas from the ground to your home.
What Are the Gathering Systems for?
Gathering systems are where the gas delivery system begins. By using one or more field compressors, the gas is moved easily to a pipeline or are natural gas production facility. The compressors in these facilities push the gas through various lines.
Processing facilities in a gathering system serve numerous functions that include:
- Removing water impurities
- Removing carbon dioxide
- Removing sulfur
By leaving these elements in the gas, the material can corrode a pipeline or significantly reduce the energy value that the gas would produce for consumers.
Transmission System
The next step in delivery involves the transmission system. Picture hundreds of thousands of miles of piping that are composed of high-strength steel. These are the transmission lines that move natural gas. The sheer length of these pipelines and their numbers provide maximum amounts of the product during peak demand hours.
Even though these may seem like the end of the delivery system, there are other steps involved when getting natural gas into the hands of consumers.
Compressor Stations
The material is highly pressurized on its journey to the home. Use of compressed natural gas packages are useful for facilities that are seeking distribution. There are several safety and environmental regulations involved in gas delivery, so compressors are needed to make sure that the gas is safe for delivery.
The gas compressors at these stations are typically able to handle both low and high pressures. The right compressor will be able to adapt to the needs of a facility.
How is Gas Transported Across the Country?
The interstate natural gas pipeline network is what ultimately transports processed gas from producing regions to areas of the country that have high natural gas needs. Natural gas that is pushed through the transmission system normally passes through a gate station that receives gas from several locations and pipelines. These stations serve the purpose of:
- Reducing line pressure
- Add an odorant for consumers
- Measures the flow rate to utility ratio
From here, the gas moves into the mains that we all utilize in our homes to power our natural gas-reliant units.
Pro-Gas LLC Provides Facilities with Packages that Compress Gas Safely
If you are the owner or manager of a production facility, Pro-Gas LLC has the products that will help your facility safely produce natural gas for consumer use. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our services and products.