Posted on: 11. 29. 17
Oil and gas production companies produce thousands of gallons of crude oil on a daily basis. Shale gas & oil from across the country is constantly being mined, extracted from, and used for the sale of mineral rights.
Crude oil is one of Earth’s resources that help to keep our lives in motion. Here are some of the top reasons why crude oils are essential to the daily routines of our lives.
1) Do You Use Rubber And Plastic?
Two of the most taken for granted daily items are synthetic rubber and plastic. We use these things in so many of the products that get us through our day. A little known fact is that crude oil makes up a part of petrochemical feedstock which is the main factor of manufacturing for chemicals, synthetic rubber, and plastic!
2) Gasoline Gets Us Everywhere
This may seem obvious but crude oil is essential to the production of gasoline as well as diesel fuel and jet fuel. Without gasoline, cars would be unable to operate and jets would be unable to get their wheels off of the ground.
Gasoline is essential and the continued production of crude oils into this valuable product is also something that we should not be taken for granted. Crude oils also provide heat and propane which are two things that help make the communities of Texas continue to thrive.
3) Residential And Industrial Use Of Crude Oil
Much like natural gas, crude oil is a material that is used in residential, commercial, and industrial locations. One of the main uses for crude oil in these areas is oil being used for heating purposes. If you’ve ever gone camping and used a kerosene lamp, then you have crude oils to thank for that heat and light.
Crude oil is used in homes for space heating, water heating, clothes drying, and cooking. It really is amazing how much we actually use these materials that have been mined from where they dwelled below the ground for countless years.
Pro-Gas LLC Helps Power The Natural Gas Industry
Oil supplies around 40 percent of the nation’s power needs with natural gas supplying around 22 percent of the nation’s energy. These materials are important, and it is crucial that they are mined with the highest-quality production equipment. Luckily, for production facilities, Pro-Gas LLC is a company that can supply the best in equipment for obtaining crude oils and natural gases.
With products like JT Skids and NGL storage, you can ensure that your materials are of pipeline quality once they reach your customers.
Contact us today to find out more about the services and products that we provide to the crude oil and natural gas industries.