Posted on: 07. 15. 21
Many people outside of our industry think that oil and natural gases are farmed from a drill site and sent directly to a consumer through different oil and gas facilities.
While we’d love for the process to be that simple for the consumers we serve, the truth is that not all oil and natural gases are alike. Standards need to be met, and in order for fuel to be ready for public use, it must be thoroughly prepared through the conditioning process.
Let’s take a look at fuel conditioning for natural gas products and why it’s such an important process in our industry.
What is Fuel Conditioning?
When natural gas is farmed, it is at its purest and unfortunately, most flammable form. It’s loaded with natural gas liquids (NGLs) and other impurities that make the raw product unusable and quite dangerous to transport.
Conditioning is the process of removing impurities and NGLs from natural gas and making a specific O&G product that is safe for transportation and ready for use at gas pumps and the factories of several industries that rely on different forms of fuel for production.
What Happens if Fuel Isn’t Conditioned?
One would think that natural gas straight from the source would only create a stronger product that benefits users. Well, there’s a reason why jobs in the O&G industry are considered some of the riskiest positions to take on.
Fuel that isn’t conditioned could actually ruin equipment that uses it for operation. The combination of contaminates and NGLs in a raw product could erode equipment.
When erosion damages equipment, leaks occur. When gas leaks happen they create a massive explosion risk that could lead to lost lives and unthinkable liabilities for the user in question.
The risk of fuel combustion is too great for pure natural gas to be used in any capacity. This is why companies like Pro-Gas offer fuel conditioners and JT skids that create clean fuel that burns efficiently and keeps the operators that work with it relatively safer.
What is a Fuel Conditioning Skid?
A fuel gas conditioning system pulls in raw natural gas through its system and creates a cleaner, usable product. Conditioners use gas-to-gas and gas-to-liquid exchangers to reduce NGLs and create lower temperature fuel that meets industry standards.
The average fuel conditioning system can work wonders for a facility, but the equipment from Pro-Gas, LLC has been engineered to perform more efficiently and add even more benefit to the facilities that utilize them.
Our JT Skids can help your facility:
- Maximize revenue through their use as a supply and demand skid
- Maximize NGL recovery
- Decrease facility maintenance costs
- Increase overall facility efficiency and production
Create Industry Standard Fuel Products With the Help of Pro-Gas, Today!
If you’re the manager of an O&G production facility and are determined to provide the best equipment possible for your location, look no further than Pro-Gas, LLC. We are a Dallas-based, industry equipment company that offers quality fuel conditioners, NGL storage, JT skids, and more. We operate nationwide and are always eager to help the members of our industry. Whatever your facility needs, Pro-Gas has, or can help you obtain it. Contact us today to learn more about our product availability.